In June of 2022, 26 Beskid benches were placed on tourist trails on the Polish and Slovakian side of the border.
Aside from being a spot to rest for tired hikers, the benches are also a reference to cultural and natural heritage of the Beskids. Their form combines features of tradition and modernity. They demonstrably refer to the symbols of the Wallachian gates, which are a representative architectural element of the Carpathians’ arc, thereby the Beskids themselves.
The adornments carved on the totems of the benches are also intentional. The rosettes on them have been a form of traditional decorations and adornments for centuries. The copings of eight totems are monuments of animals, brigands and other elements referencing local legends. In the case of another eight the copings are stained glass, and with the remaining ten we can notice a reference to traditional folk chapels, which we see up to this day on Beskid trails. On the seats of the benches are the names of the locations.

When hiking through the Beskid trails look for our benches in the following spots: on Szyndzielnia and Dębowiec in Bielsko-Biała, on pl. Św. Jakuba and in the area of Skalite amphitheatre in Szczyrk, on Skrzyczne, on Jaworzyna Meadow, in the quarry in Kozy, in the cold water swimming spot in Porąbka, in the parks in Jaworze and Żywiec, on Złoty Grój in Istebna, on Stożek, Soszów and Góra Cieślar in Wisła, on Ficońka and Bukowina in Żabnica, in Łodygowice, on Leskowiec in Targoszów, on Hajdówka in Jordanów. on Makowska Góra in Maków Podhalański, on Mosorny Gron and Brona Pass in Zawoja and in Slovakia in the cities of Svedernik, Zakamenne, Zdubrohlava and Mojš.
The benches were created within a project called ‘Rest in the Beskids’, which was funded by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Program of Cross-border Cooperation INTERREG V-A Poland-Slovakia over the years 2014-2020 and the national budget.
The leading partner of the project is the Local Tourist Organisation ‘The Beskids’ with its residence in Bielsko-Biała by ul. Widok 18/1 -
The project is being brought to life with the Slovakian association Združenie Región Beskydy with its residence in the city of Žilina.