

November 29th, 2023

At the beginning of 2017 the press and tourist portals were informed about the discovery of four previously unknown caves. The discovery took place in autumn of 2016, but the inventory of the terrain had to be stopped due to the hibernation period of protected species of bats.

The discovery is a result of work of the passionate people creating Protection of Caves Association 'Grupa Malinka', who invited the Local Tourist Organisation ‘The Beskids’ and students and professors clustered around the students' club RESET, functioning by the University of Bielsko-Biała, to cooperate over the inventory. Thanks to the involvement and persistence of the latter a virtual walk through the biggest of the caves (called The Żółtodziób Cave) was created. At the moment its depth succeeds 15, and width 100 meters. A feature distinguishing the Żółtodziób Cave from other Beskid caves is an enormous hanging obelisk, that the discoverers named ‘The Sting’, as well as speleothems and rock bridges.

As enchanting as the cave might seem, unfortunately visiting it might cause a plethora of issues to less experienced ‘cavemen’. For many the insurmountable obstacle will be a particularly narrow entrance. The Żółtodziób Cave prefers cavers of rather slim body types…

Luckily, no one should have a problem with doing and online walk through the cave, which was prepared for the ones who, for various reasons, can't or don’t want to do it in real life. The walk is available under the link:

Remember to explore it with the sound on!

Below we also present the plans of the remaining discovered caves. All of them are located within the administrative borders of the city, in the terrain of the Silesian Beskid, in the valley of Wapienica. We would like to kindly remind the people, who would like to see the Żółtodziób cave (or any other Beskid cave) in person, that they should be visited only with assistance of qualified cavers who will provide professional guidance and equipment necessary for safe exploration of them.

